One beautiful summer day, we gathered with friends to go to the river. We stayed away from the river so we decided to go there by bike. We were riding a lot and it was a long journey which was hard because there was were the way many wells and bridges on our way.
( стиль,порядок слів, множина в структурі there were)We got there and pereplyavlyaly (не має такого слова в англійській мові) swam with their( our ) -неправильно вжитий займенник нашими велосипедами.а не їхніми)bicycles across the river. Then we began to look for a place for our company and we realized that we did not come that day (стиль - не зрозуміло.що ти хотів написати ,чи то був не ваш день?)but it is certainly a place we found( finally we found a place,знову порядок слів). The river was warm but the current was strong, my swimming ability was bad so I stayed closer to shore(bank) -лексика берег моря -shore,берег ріки- bank. Then the friends decided to jump from the shore and I went with them because I wanted my friends did not think that I was(had been) a coward.
We climbed a shore, there was slippery(ожеледиця?) so I got out gently but anyway I fell into the river and nearly drowned. But I swam ashore out and lay laid then I seen saw ashow friends gathered around me, they helped me get up on your my feet and I went alone. Intsedent It was a real accident And then I realized that sometimes you don't need to be like everyone else. Then Later my friends and I mentioned remebered this that intsedent and laughed because everything ended well!
Андрій, дякую за спробу написати про цікаву подію, багато помилок на порядок слів в реченні, вживання граматичних форм,лексику! Важко читати , але зрозумілий загальний зміст! Необхідно виписуватись! Всі помилки перевірила! Можеш писати в зошит виправлений варіант! Якщо перепишеш в зошит правильно поставлю 9, якщо ні -7! Не забувай про абзаци!